Hybrid Impacct

Misty Cosper is an abundance coach and conscious accountant.

At Hybrid Impacct, we recognize that your work is your Divine Offering and that Abundance is the Spiritual Reward. Abundance Coaching is using the modality of With Heart Transformational Energy Coaching to work with energetic misalignments and blocks that reveal themselves as limiting beliefs, fears, feelings of unworthiness, and confusions to name a few. All while block receiving, trusting ourselves and God, and being in a state of flow and surrender. Abundance is our natural state, as is the state of love. Abundance and love will be completely accessible to us when we clear the energy of anything not supporting these states and allow for abundance to flow freely.

Logo Intentions

loving | empowering | uplifting | clean | supportive | trusting | open | strong | professional | powerful

Heart-Centered Abundance Programs

Each HCAP is based on six pillars of abundance: Foundation, Structure, Value, Flow, Trust, Receive. First 3 weeks of the program are specifically designed to create the energy of your business, to open to the heart of the business. The next 3 weeks of the HCAP are focused on your energy and relationship with money and leadership. Misty offers both six and twelve week programs.

Custom Website Design


Transformative Mothering


Ego Friendly Living